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Some Call It Marketing

We Call It Transformative Patient Acquisition



Celebrating Excellence

Proud Winners of the Telly, Marcom, and Viddy Awards

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Simplifying Complexity, Delivering Results

Medfluence Advisors Is Revolutionizing the Medical Marketing Sector

We are a team of professionals with over 40 years of experience in practice development. Our passion is to connect patients who suffer with undiagnosed or latent disease states to the physicians who perform innovative and clinically proven procedures that provide lasting relief. We’ve seen small to mid-size private practices face increasingly strong headwinds when seeking to attract new patients in a marketing landscape that has changed dramatically over the past 3 years. So we seized the moment to create a new category of practice growth marketing that transforms how you acquire the patients you most want to serve.

Three colleague working together

What Makes Our Practice Advisory Different

Our extensive healthcare industry background, partnerships with data providers powering the digital economy, and close relationships with emerging technology companies make us a unique company in private practice marketing. At Medfluence Advisors, our team combines all these resources to produce customized advisory packages designed to keep our clients at medical device innovation’s forefront. You also stay current on patient management best practices and take a leading position in digital marketing and advertising.

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Digital Patient Journey

Medfluence Advisors uses our advanced digital marketing capabilities to position you as patients’ first contact point when searching for information about their symptoms and treatment options. Your patient’s healthcare journey becomes more convenient and streamlined with the resources and information they need to make educated decisions about their medical concerns.

Two team members working together

We’re People Not Just a Platform

With over 40 years of experience working in practices like yours, we speak the language of the healthcare industry in ways other third-party marketing companies and agencies do not. This extensive experience translates to writing highly effective ad copy, identifying local audiences, and speaking clearly about new medical technology because we understand all the ins and outs of your professional needs. We have a team of incredibly knowledgeable advisors ready to consult with you remotely or at your practice to ensure its success. Below, you’ll find details about our experience:

The Perfect Intersection of Technology & Human Touch

Industry Experience
  • Intimate knowledge of the healthcare industry drawn from the 10,000 plus physician-patient relationships we have facilitated.
  • Nearly four decades of experience working with practices like yours to ensure the best outcomes for doctors and patients.
  • Extensive experience assisting the emerging technology space to generate awareness and increase adoption of their products.
Digital Marketing
  • The best data to predict the future: Our proprietary AI algorithms create profiles and predictions from past behavior based on first-party data sourced from one out of two Americans.
  • The ability to create highly targeted and predictive organic and paid campaigns that put your practice in the spotlight at all key touchpoints along the patient journey.
  • Reputation and authority-building through educational campaigns delivered accurately to consumers seeking information on specific symptoms or disease states.
  • Advanced digital, video, and print content and advertising across all high-value channels.
Patient Engagement
  • Exclusive conversational texting logic and reporting by our fully owned subsidiary PXEngagement.
  • A centralized Communication Dashboard that physician offices use to optimize and monitor patient interactions through text, email, and phone calls.
Women looking at graphs on TV screens

Start With a Digital Health Checkup

If you worry your digital presence doesn’t align with your practice’s needs, we’ll help you enhance your professional visibility and connection with patients, starting with our Digital Health Checkup. This checkup goes beyond evaluating your site performance. We review the effectiveness of your social media presence and digital advertising, giving us a clear understanding of how your practice stacks up against your competitors. The best part is starting your path to a better digital presence only takes a few minutes. After the comprehensive audit is completed, one of our office development experts will gladly review your results with you.

Medfluence Advisors Leadership Team

The Leadership Team at Medfluence Advisors is driven by a passion to help.  We deliver keen insights into the marketing challenges facing private practices and employ a proactive approach to bringing emerging technologies into practices to bolster areas of specialization. Medfluence Advisors has personally discovered and crafted solutions that can be easily tailored to each practice’s specific needs, bringing more satisfaction to doctors and having a transformative impact on patients.

Who We Serve

Med Device Representatives

Are you being asked to do more with less? Has your quota gone up? When meeting with your surgeons, are you looking to differentiate and provide more than just product size, features, and benefits? Do you strive to be a consultant and add value? How are you going to do it all? Let our expertise and technological solutions work for you and your physicians.

Private Practice Physicians

We’ll say it again because it’s that important: having the right tools to reach patients who can benefit the most from your expertise is what allows practices to thrive in today’s complex digital marketplace.

Emerging Medical Device Companies

Make the most of your advertising budget for new, innovative products that target underserved and under-appreciated disease states. As a boutique consultancy, we specialize in building tailored digital marketing campaigns based on deep first-party data so that your products effectively reach target audiences. Save money and increase ROI with our advisor-managed packages.

Stay up To Date with Medfluence Advisors – Join Our Email List

Medfluence Advisors

6400 Fiddlers Green, #250A
Greenwood Village, CO 80111


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Your trusted partner for marketing technology

Medfluence Advisors‘ numerous partnerships serve as a testament to our unwavering commitment to driving innovation in marketing in a digital world and growth for our customers.
