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A Passion for Healthcare Success

Man delivering speech on front of crowd

Our Mission

The American healthcare system depends on continued innovation and private physicians whose practices thrive as they serve local communities and patients. Medfluence Advisors is deeply passionate about connecting patients to physicians in a win-win model where patients receive relief and physicians perform the procedures they find most rewarding. We serve as the healthcare marketing partner to these locally rooted practices to empower physicians with the knowledge and marketing support to spark smarter growth. Emerging medical technology companies stand to benefit from this ecosystem, too, which exposes more patients to their solutions. When the right patients find the right practices, this improves local healthcare outcomes, nurtures neighborhoods, and brings fulfillment to doctors and patients alike.

Man in a meeting

Our Commitment

At Medfluence Advisors, we promise to provide best-in-class solutions that deliver results that propel medical practices and device companies to reach their goals. We believe that developing and enhancing strong relationships with our clients, understanding specific goals, and creating custom solutions give us the ability and responsibility to positively affect both the physician and potential patients’ lives every day.

Three colleague working together

Our Story

Our founding partners have worked with medical device companies and medical practices for nearly 40 years. We founded Medfluence Advisors because we saw an opportunity to make a difference in how patients learn about transformative treatments and find the local practices offering those procedures. We understand that marketing in the digital age requires an entirely new approach to patient outreach and engagement that better matches patients with practice specialties and aids practices in utilizing the technologies that make this possible. For us, the greatest satisfaction is knowing that people searching for solutions to undiagnosed conditions receive the treatment they deserve.

Partner Bios

Nick Binge and family

Nick Binge

Founder, Co-Founder PXEngagement™

Nick Binge has held executive leadership positions at Lippert Components, Boston Scientific, Entellus Medical, and Stryker.  He has a depth of experience in disruptive technology and market development. He founded Medfluence Advisors as a way to leverage the digital revolution, to bring awareness to underserved disease states, and help physician practices position themselves for today and the future. Nick has extensive experience in early-stage commercialization with neuromodulation (Advanced Bionics/Boston Scientific), diabetic sensors (Dexcom), and office-based sinus procedures (Entellus and Stryker). He co-founded PXEngagement, a Medfluence Advisors company, which utilizes cutting-edge texting software to supercharge efficiencies for physicians and their patients.

Greg Caesar and family

Greg Caesar

Partner, Senior Director, Business Development

Greg is an accomplished international commercial-leadership expert with a master's degree in Business Administration. He has an excellent track record in the healthcare industry, having worked for various commercial entities across multiple continents, including Stryker (Endoscopy), ALSAC St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Advanced Biohealing, Entellus Medical, and Stryker (ENT). Throughout his 23-year healthcare career, Greg has held various roles in sales, development, and marketing.  His primary focus is on providing innovative solutions to underserved disease states. He excels at simplifying complex medical technologies for physicians and med-tech companies and empowers individuals to overcome barriers and succeed. At Medfluence Advisors, Greg is determined to help private practices and small to mid-sized businesses build profitable, ethical, and sustainable businesses that positively impact society.

Stacey Cesler and family

Stacy Cesler

Senior Advisor and Partner, Co-Founder PXEngagement™

Before joining Medfluence Advisors, Stacy was a Regional Manager for Entellus Medical and Stryker, leading a sales team covering 11 states in the Midwest. Through her fifteen years in collegiate athletics, five years in the ENT device sales space, and three years with Medfluence Advisors, Stacy has utilized her skills as a strategist, leader, problem solver, communicator, and acclimatizer. As an All-American softball player at the University of Missouri, Stacy embodies the qualities of a natural leader, competitor, and team player. Stacy sees Medfluence Advisors as a vehicle to expand her ability to impact patients suffering from unidentified disease states.  The ability to help, in a small way, people getting the relief they deserve brings her great joy!

Transformative Patient Acquisition You Can Trust