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Miami, FL — October 1, 2024 — Medfluence Advisors, a premier healthcare marketing and consulting firm specializing in connecting surgeons with the patients they want to treat, proudly participated in the Annual American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Foundation (AAO-HNSF) Meeting and OTO EXPO. Held at the Miami Beach Convention Center, the event brought together medical device manufacturers, physicians, and industry leaders to explore new technologies, collaborative opportunities, and advancements in patient care and practice efficiency.

Medfluence’s leadership team—Founder Nicholas Binge, Senior Partner Stacy Cesler, and Senior Director of Business Development Greg Caesar—engaged in impactful discussions with medical device manufacturers and private practice physicians. These conversations focused on improving patient awareness and practice efficiency, supporting Medfluence’s mission of helping both physicians and manufacturers thrive in the rapidly evolving healthcare market.

“The Annual AAO-HNSF meeting is a time to connect with people who help change the lives of patients suffering,” said Greg Caesar. “These individuals include both the doctors and the medical device manufacturers. We help both, and always look forward to exploring new collaborations that drive patient education and practice growth.”

Nicholas Binge, Founder of Medfluence Advisors, added, “This year’s meeting showcased the incredible potential for innovation when industry leaders and healthcare professionals come together. Our goal is to continue building bridges between these groups, ultimately improving the patient experience and ensuring that the latest medical technologies and best practices are accessible to those who need them most.”

As part of their ongoing efforts to support ENT specialists, Medfluence Advisors premiered their latest strategic marketing series, “The Soap Doctor,” at the event. Produced in collaboration with Medfluence’s vast industry experience and deep understanding of the Sinus and Allergy audience, this three-part series blends the everyday drama of life with real medical solutions. “The Soap Doctor” is designed to engage sinus sufferers and direct them to nearby practices. “Creative and high-quality products like ‘The Soap Doctor’ help physicians build awareness, grow their practices, and offer life-changing relief to patients,” said Senior Partner Stacy Cesler. The series is poised to become a true differentiator for practices looking to expand their reach and connect with patients.

The OTO EXPO featured industry leaders such as Stryker’s ENT division, which had the largest booth, alongside exhibitors like Medtronic ENT, Smith & Nephew ENT, Aerin Medical, NeilMed, Olympus, Tungsten Medical, Hemostasis/Fiagon, Grace Medical, Eclaris, MTI, and Acclarent. These companies presented cutting-edge advancements in surgical tools, robotics, imaging, and diagnostic technology.

Newcomers such as Nampons and Burble, representing the direct-to-consumer segment, also made a strong impression, highlighting the growing importance of patient engagement. This aligns perfectly with Medfluence Advisors’ focus on helping ENT practices connect with and educate patients effectively.

About Medfluence Advisors

Medfluence Advisors is a leading healthcare marketing and consulting firm that provides strategic growth solutions for ENT practices and medical device companies. Led by Founder Nicholas Binge, Senior Partner Stacy Cesler, and Senior Director of Business Development Greg Caesar, Medfluence specializes in developing customized marketing strategies, patient engagement solutions, and operational consulting. The firm is dedicated to helping healthcare professionals and companies succeed by delivering innovative, tailored solutions that drive growth and efficiency.

Greg Caesar
Sr. Director of Business Development
Medfluence Advisors
Phone: 615-947-6037

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