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telly award edited

[Denver, Colorado, June 14, 2024] – Medfluence Advisors, a leading healthcare strategic consulting firm, is thrilled to announce that their video, “Breathe Free/The Pronunciation,” has been recognized with three Telly Awards. The video campaign, which has accumulated over 7.2 million views on YouTube, highlights the firm’s innovative approach to healthcare marketing.

The Telly Awards honor the finest in video and television content across all screens. This year, they received over 13,000 entries from 50 countries. Medfluence’s outstanding work stood out among the competition, earning top accolades in several categories:

  • GOLD | The Pronunciations – Online Commercials – Use of Comedy
  • GOLD | The Pronunciations – Online Commercials – Medical & Research
  • BRONZE | The Pronunciations – People’s Telly Online Commercial

“We are deeply honored to receive these three Telly Awards, which add significant credence to our already well-honored series,” said Nicholas Binge, Founder of Medfluence Advisors. “This recognition, alongside our previous accolades including a Platinum MarCom Award and a Gold Viddy Award, underscores our commitment to innovative healthcare strategic marketing. These awards validate our team’s hard work and dedication to advancing patient engagement and access to care. We remain excited and motivated to continue driving forward with creative solutions that make a real difference in the healthcare industry.”

Medfluence’s award-winning campaign, “The Pronunciations,” showcases the company’s ability to engage audiences with humor and impactful messaging. These accolades underscore Medfluence’s expertise in navigating the evolving marketing landscape and delivering exceptional results for its clients.

Medfluence Advisors specializes in providing strategic consulting services to healthcare organizations, offering tailored solutions to address the complex and evolving landscape of the healthcare industry. Through their innovative strategies, they empower clients to navigate challenges and achieve sustainable growth.

For more information about Medfluence Advisors and their award-winning services, please visit their official website at

About Medfluence Advisors 

Medfluence Advisors is a prominent healthcare strategic consulting firm that partners with healthcare organizations to drive transformative change. With a team of industry experts and creative visionaries, Medfluence Advisors offers strategic guidance, operational support, and customized solutions to help clients thrive in the ever-changing healthcare landscape.

Contact: Greg Caesar
Senior Business Development Director
Medfluence Advisors

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