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The world is ever-evolving and more digital than ever. The world of advertising and marketing has moved away from the traditional and many have embraced the digitization of the industry. Any business, no matter the industry, recognizes the significance of leveraging advertising and marketing efforts to reach a wide range of audiences and encourage them to convert to customers. Marketing and advertising efforts are not as easy as an outsider might think. They take a lot of strategizing and planning to come to fruition. Partnering with the right agency should help you get on the right track, especially if your organization doesn’t have an in-house marketing department of its own. Take it a step further by working with Google Premier and Meta Business Agency Partners. These agencies are trusted experts in the advertising field and will help your private practice reach new heights and milestones.

Making the Best of Your Marketing Efforts With a Google Premier Partner

Google is the most popular and most used search engine worldwide. It needs no introduction in any context and everyone knows what it is. In the same sense, Google Ads are a smart move many businesses should look into. Google Ads helps businesses reach a wide range of audiences in the digital space. If you’re a business owner who wants your private practice to reach the right audiences, consider setting up Google Ads. Setting up an ad and running a successful one are two different things. If you’re not well-versed in this sense, it might be too difficult to get the results you want out of your campaigns. Partnering up with an agency that is a certified Google Partner or Google Premier Partner might be what you need to reach success.

What is a Google Premier Partner?

The Google Partners program is a free marketing program for marketing professionals and digital marketing agencies. Advertising agencies and third parties that manage the Google Ads account of another brand or business can get on the program. The program helps marketing professionals build expertise, trust, and credibility with clients. The Google Partners program helps businesses find and get in touch with qualified people who can help bring success to their marketing campaigns and growth to their business.

Member vs Partner vs Premier Partner: What’s the Difference and Which One Is Better for Business?

The Google Partners program has three tiers of membership and participation: Member, Partner, and Premier Partner. While marketing professionals and agencies enjoy the luxury of joining for free, it takes a lot more than clicking the sign-up button to earn a badge of expertise, trust, and credibility awarded by Google.

Each tier has its own set of benefits and opportunities that will help deepen relationships with Google and clients. Let’s break down these benefits below:

Member Partner Premier Partner
Education and Insights
Product education and certifications
Customized account recommendations
Annual industry report
Recognition and Rewards
Competition and rewards
Promotional offers
Partner badge
Access and Support
Google Ads support
Executive experiences (Invitation only)
Dedicated account support (Invitation only)

Becoming a member of the program gives agencies and marketing professionals access to standard benefits that can help businesses launch successful Google Ads.

Google Partners and Premier Partners have access to exclusive and advanced advertising and business tools, resources, and technologies that not all businesses have access to.

About 10% of all marketing agencies worldwide are Google Partners and only 3% of those are Google Premier Partners, making it the most exclusive tier.

How Does an Agency Become a Google Premier Partner?

After signing up, marketing professionals and third-party agencies that want to earn the Partner and Premier Partner badges must meet the following criteria:
Google Partner: Google Partners must maintain a 90-day ad spend of at least $10,000 across all managed accounts, meet Google’s ad performance requirements, and have a minimum of 50% of account strategists certified in Google Ads.
Google Premier Partner: Agencies that want to become a Google Premier Partner must meet all Partner requirements and be in the top 3% of participating companies in a given country. Factors that will determine the top 3% include existing and new client growth, client retention, product diversification, and annual ad spending.

Why Your Business Should Work With a Google Premier Partner

Working with a Google Premier Partner presents a lot of benefits for growing private practice businesses:

1.They are experts

When you work with a Google Premier Partner, you are working with experts in running advertising campaigns on Google. Google Premier Partners will help your business plan and produce the best campaigns that will bring in the numbers and results you hope for.

2.They work directly with Google

Google Premier Partners have a direct relationship with Google. This means that they are well aware of significant changes in Google’s ad system.

A direct link also allows these agencies a straight path to Google support when they encounter issues regarding your ad campaign. Priority support straight from Google means things get resolved quickly and questions get answered without much wait time.

3.They stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and tech

Digital marketing is ever-changing. Staying on top of these changes is crucial if you want success and growth for your business.

Working with a Google Premier Partner means your marketing campaigns stay up-to-date and compliant with these changes so you get the most out of your campaigns. Google requires its Premier Partners to stay on top of these changes and apply them accordingly to all published campaigns. Because they work directly with Google, you can be sure that their information comes from a reliable and trusted source.

4.They maximize your business’s ROI

Google Premier Partners have a proven track record of success. They met Google’s required performance metrics to stay at the top of their game. Being one of the top 3% of Partners in Google’s roster, they have proven themselves to bring in successful campaign results and maximize your business’s ROI.

5.They have access to exclusive Google products and resources

Google Premier Partners have access to exclusive marketing products, resources, training, and support that yield successful marketing and advertising campaigns. Google provides the top 3% of its marketing professionals and agencies access to additional tools that will ensure campaign success.

They also have access to exclusive training workshops and sessions, events, product updates, and industry research that ensures success for your business.

6.They have exclusive access to beta features

Google gives Premier Partners early access to beta features before they roll them out publicly. Working with one will give you access to those as well, allowing those features to be integrated early into your campaigns, something your competition might not have access to. This already gives you a premium advantage, setting you up for more success.

How to Spot and Work With a Google Premier Partner

A Google Partner marketing agency or professional will have a badge similar to the ones shown above. Google also has a Partners Directory where you can look up agencies and professionals in a given country whom you can work with for your campaign needs.

Making the Best of Your Marketing Efforts With a Meta Business Partner

In an age where (almost) everyone is online and going digital, Facebook is in everyone’s life. After all, it is the most popular and most used social media platform worldwide.

For many, Facebook isn’t only useful for connecting with friends and family. Rather, it is a place for advertising and marketing your business and the products and services you have to offer.

Facebook is a powerful marketing tool to reach a wider audience – and with powerful advertising campaigns set up on the platform, this can be crucial in setting up your business for success and growth.

Unfortunately, with the many tools Facebook offers, it can be overwhelming for business owners, especially if they’re not well-versed in the way the platform works. Working with a Meta Business Partner will help put your marketing campaigns on the right track for success.

What is a Meta Business Partner?


A Meta Business Partner is a company, advertising agency, or marketing professional that Meta has vetted for their expertise in helping businesses grow and find success in their respective fields. A company Meta has vetted for becomes part of its Partner Directory.

Working with a Meta Business Partner will elevate your marketing campaigns on its platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger). It also gives your business access to Partner-exclusive resources, tools, training, and support that will drive business success and growth.

Working with a Meta Business Partner means working with an agency or professional that has credible expertise in managing ad campaigns, running businesses online, and measuring campaign performance and success.

Meta Business Partners come from a range of fields and specialties and offer their services in various aspects:

  • Adtech: Partners that build advanced technology solutions to help clients scale and optimize campaign performance.
  • Agency: Partners that use time-saving tools and resources, combined with in-depth expertise to help drive success.
  • Commerce: Partners that maximize a business’s online sales through Meta tools like product catalog and Meta Pixel.
  • Conversion data: Partners that connect customer actions, including offline and third-party web activity, to Facebook and convert them into meaningful insights that will help improve ad campaign performance.
  • Creative platform: Partners that produce creative assets to help improve ad campaigns.
  • Feed management: Partners that enhance product catalog quality for product ads.
  • Measurement: Partners that help track and measure ad performances across Meta’s platforms.
  • Messaging: Partners that help manage customer conversations at a scale, including automated customer service, lead generation, and chat transactions.

How Does an Agency Become a Meta Business Partner?

Advertising agencies and marketing professionals can apply to become a Meta Business Partner and gain access to several exclusive technical and creative tools to take marketing solutions to another level.

Applicants who qualify for the program are placed in one of two tiers:

  • Member Tier: The Member Tier is not badged as an official Meta Business Partner but allows members to gain access to standard business tools and resources to help them grow businesses and launch successful ad campaigns.
  • Badged Partner Tier: The Badged Partner Tier rewards partners with a certified badge and puts their company name on Meta’s Partner Directory. Partner members gain exclusive access to specially curated tools, resources, and training to improve ad campaign performances. Additionally, live chat support, technical support, and more are also made exclusively available for Partners so they get priority support from Meta’s team.

Here is a breakdown of the full list of the program’s benefits depending on the tier level:

Member Badged Partner
Test Insights
Partner Guidance*
Analytics reports
Policy insights
Educational and enablement resources
Industry and audience insights
Product updates
Virtual training
Online courses
Training by topic
Meta certification prep
Meta certification exam vouchers
Operational support
Program support
Prioritized issue resolution
API & technical support
Creative workshops*
Creative consultations**
Measurement research initiatives
Listing in Meta’s partner directory
Partner badge
Success story**
Advertiser rewards (ad credits)***

* Currently available for agency specialty partners only

** Currently available for agency and creative specialty partners only

*** Currently available for agency specialty partners in specific countries only

Why Your Business Should Work With a Meta Business Partner

Working with a Meta Business Partner brings a lot of perks to businesses:

1.They are certified experts

Agencies and professional marketers who are badged Meta Business Partners are certified experts in the field. They have a proven track record of helping launch successful ad campaigns that will take your business to new heights of success.

2. They have access to a 24/7 support team

Meta Business Partners have convenient access to a 24/7 Meta support team. When they encounter technical issues, help and answers will arrive quicker for them than for advertisers that are not certified Partners.

3.They have access to advanced and exclusive marketing tools and resources

Meta Partners have access to exclusive and advanced marketing tools and resources that will help improve their campaign’s performances across all Meta platforms. They also have access to important reports, insights, and recommendations that will further help them drive success.

4.They have early access to new marketing features

As certified Partners, they gain early access to new marketing features and tool updates before they are rolled out to the public. Working with a Meta Business Partner will give you this access and a clear advantage over your competitors.

How to Spot and Work With a Meta Business Partner

An ad agency or marketing professional will proudly have their Meta Business Partner badge up on their website to let potential clients know that they’re one of the best people at what they do. Potential clients can also access the Meta Partners Directory to access Partners they can potentially work with depending on the specialty they’re looking for.

Work With Google Premier and Meta Business Partners to Grow Your Business

The healthcare industry is saturated with competition. It is crucial to do everything in your power to make your private practice stand out amidst all this noise.

Working with a Google Premier Partner and a Meta Business Partner can be a game changer that will bring business growth and success. They are certified experts who know the ins and outs of digital marketing, including the new trends and advancements that can help your practice reach a wider range of audiences.

If you are hoping for new heights of success for your private practice, reaching out to one will help you navigate the complexities of digital marketing and achieve success.

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