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Samsung tablet displaying Google search homepage, with a coffee cup and stylus in the background.

Everyone is a customer, patient, or client in some capacity, no matter the business or industry. When searching for new restaurants, shops, medical facilities, or any service, what’s the first thing you do? Like most people, you probably turn to Google to gather information and read online reviews. These reviews have become a crucial part of the consumer decision-making process, especially in today’s digital world where online presence plays a bigger role than ever.

Potential customers look up businesses and consider what previous customers have to say before even considering a particular company. What they see online can have drastic effects on whether or not they will proceed with a business. According to 2024 online review statistics, a whopping 95% of consumers read online reviews before making a decision. Additionally, a 2024 local consumer review survey from Bright Local highlights that Google remains the number one place consumers flock to read reviews.

Given the impact of online reviews, it’s clear that platforms like Google reviews can make or break a business, as they significantly shape consumer decisions. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Google reviews—what they are, why they matter for your business, and how you can leverage them to your advantage.

What are Google Reviews?

Google Reviews are user-generated reviews and feedback customers and consumers leave for businesses and the products and services they provide.

Google reviews can be found on the search engine Google. It appears when people use the search engine platform, including Google Maps. It’s typically one of the first things that come up when people search for certain services, products, or businesses.

These online reviews consist of two parts:

  1. A star rating of 1 to 5 stars
  2. A personalized (and optional) comment where users can detail their opinions, thoughts, and experiences, from the business
    Google is a free service and one doesn’t need a device application to access it. All they need is a Google account, which is also free to make. This makes it easily accessible for most consumers. This also means Google reviews are more widely read than other review websites.

Why Do Google Reviews Matter?

Google reviews play a crucial role in the success of any business, including those in the healthcare sector. Developing a marketing strategy that emphasizes online reviews can greatly benefit your practice. Still unsure why Google reviews are important for your medical practice? Here are a few reasons that might change your mind:

Infographic titled "Google Reviews and Why They Matter" with ten reasons listed, highlighting their benefits for businesses.

1.   Google is the most used and trusted search engine

Google is the most used search engine in the world, with 3.5 billion searches per day, according to a 2024 Zipdo report. According to the same report, over 80% of global internet searches are done through Google.

Google is not only the most popular search engine in the world – it is also the most trusted. Most people go to Google to look up businesses and how previous customers rate them based on personal experiences. As such, people will perceive this information and consumer experience as authentic and genuine. People are more likely to trust these reviews from real-life people.

As a result, online reviews about your medical practice and healthcare facility will help potential patients make their decisions on whether they will choose your services or those of your competitors.

2.   Make a great first impression

Businesses today understand the critical role of making a strong first impression. A consumer’s initial perception of your brand can determine whether they choose your facility for their medical needs or seek care elsewhere. And few things create a better first impression than positive online reviews that potential patients see when they search for your organization on Google.

When past patients share positive experiences, it builds trust and reassures others who are considering your clinic. The more favorable feedback you receive, the more likely new patients will feel confident in choosing your practice for their healthcare needs.

3.   Receive useful consumer insights

Online reviews will yield useful customer insights. Through this feedback from previous patients on Google, you will have a clear understanding of how people perceive and view your organization, the services you provide, and the people-facing staff that work with your organization.

Do your patients have satisfactory patient experiences? How do they feel about the services you provide and the way you provide them? Were there any issues that gave them a difficult time throughout their patient journeys?

Online reviews provide valuable insights, helping you identify gaps and areas for improvement. By addressing these, your organization can enhance the overall patient experience, leading to increased satisfaction, better retention, and stronger brand loyalty.

4.   Boost local business visibility and success

Positive Google reviews play a crucial role in driving foot traffic to your business.

When people search for services or businesses in their area, they often turn to Google to find nearby options. If your organization has a high number of positive reviews, potential customers are more inclined to choose your business over competitors.

This ultimately leads to increased patient volume, which benefits your practice in the long term. By combining positive reviews with smart marketing strategies, you can also foster loyalty and improve patient retention.

5.   Boost SEO ranking

Google is a key destination for consumers seeking new services and businesses to meet their needs.

In a crowded online marketplace, maintaining visibility and ranking high on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is crucial. Accumulating positive reviews can significantly enhance your practice’s position on Google.

When Google recognizes your organization as having a substantial number of favorable reviews, it boosts your ranking on the search results page. This increased visibility helps you stay competitive and relevant in the digital landscape.

6.   Increase visibility and boost website traffic

Maintaining a top position on SERPs is essential for businesses, particularly in the competitive healthcare sector.

Positive online reviews play a significant role in enhancing your SEO ranking, which in turn increases your organization’s online visibility. When potential patients see your practice ranking high on the first page, they’re more likely to click through and visit your website, driving more traffic.

With strategic digital marketing efforts, converting these visitors into leads and ultimately into patients becomes a more attainable goal.

7.   Improve brand credibility, trust, and loyalty

People trust Google as their number-one go-to search engine. As a result, they also trust the reviews they find on the search engine.

When potential consumers and patients look up to your organization and see more positive feedback than negative ones, this improves your brand credibility. It fosters trust and makes consumers feel at ease in choosing your practice among your competitors.

Where there is brand trust, there could also be opportunities for brand loyalty. You definitely want your existing patient base to develop brand loyalty with your organization over time. Not only will this be good for business, but will also build a good reputation in the industry.

8.   Maintain business transparency

Consumers, especially those in the healthcare sector, prioritize transparency more than ever. Because they are more careful in choosing healthcare facilities for their medical needs, they are more keen to choose one that provides high-quality care and comfortable patient experiences.

Online reviews enhance transparency by providing feedback from real people on a trusted platform like Google. These reviews act as social proof, demonstrating that your organization is reliable and deserving of trust.

9.   Increase word-of-mouth marketing

Positive Google reviews are essential for amplifying word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM). When patients share their positive experiences and leave favorable feedback, it naturally promotes your organization and enhances its reputation.

This organic promotion can significantly boost your marketing efforts and may reduce the need for costly advertising campaigns. While ads remain effective, potential patients are more inclined to trust a business with substantial social proof, as it fosters transparency and credibility.

10.  Stand out from the competition

Having numerous positive Google reviews provides your organization with a significant competitive edge.

In the increasingly competitive healthcare industry, it’s essential to leverage every advantage available. By focusing on and managing your Google reviews, you can effectively differentiate your organization from competitors and enhance your standing in the field.

Infographic on Google Reviews importance, dos/don'ts, and tips for getting reviews.

Do: Respond to all reviews

Show your audience and potential patients that you care by responding to all reviews. That’s right – respond to all reviews, even the negative ones.

Responding to all patient reviews and feedback demonstrates your commitment to caring about your patients, no matter the nature of their comments. It shows that you value their input and are attentive to their experiences throughout their journey with your organization.

Responding to negative reviews provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to resolving issues and addressing concerns. By offering assistance to dissatisfied patients, validating their concerns, and proposing solutions or compensation, you show that your organization is proactive in addressing problems. This approach not only helps rectify individual experiences but also builds trust with potential patients, reassuring them that your organization is reliable and attentive to their needs.

Do: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews

Be proactive in getting reviews for your medical practice.

Encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews on your Google listing. Don’t leave it to chance when you see patients leaving your facility with satisfied expressions. Remember, customers are usually driven to leave reviews on their own when they have a negative experience.

So instead, ask satisfied customers to leave reviews. You can reach out to them via text or email to remind them. Don’t wait too long until you ask for feedback. It would be best to do it after treatment and services have been provided.

Additionally, offer incentives to patients who will leave a review. These can be small discounts on their next visit, free consultations, or entry to ongoing giveaways. This depends on what your team has decided.

Do: Always keep an eye on online reviews

Regularly checking online reviews that patients leave on your Google listing should be part of your marketing strategy. Remember, you can never leave reviews and feedback to fate.

Always keeping an eye on these online reviews will allow you to respond to them, address possible concerns, and gain useful insights on what needs improvement.

Do: Build reviews naturally

Building reviews on Google listings isn’t an overnight plan. Reviews should be consistent and getting them on your listing is consistent work.

Regularly check on your reviews and consistently ask patients for feedback.

Don’t: Ignore negative reviews

It’s important to address both positive and negative reviews with equal attention. While handling negative feedback can be challenging, ignoring it is not an option.

Approach negative reviews calmly and professionally, avoiding defensive or argumentative responses. Reach out to the reviewer with empathy, seeking to understand their concerns and offering practical solutions. This demonstrates that you value their experience and are committed to improving. Additionally, it signals to potential patients that your care extends beyond the treatment room and that you genuinely care about their overall experience.

Don’t: Buy or solicit fake reviews

Never buy or solicit fake reviews in hopes of increasing your ratings on Google.

Google’s system is smart enough to detect fraudulent and fake reviews. If the system flags reviews on your listing as fake, this can lead to penalties or the removal of your listing, making your business invisible in its ecosystem.

Dont: Rush reviews all at once

Never rush reviews in a short amount of time and then stop trying to get them for long periods. Google’s system can flag this as a fraudulent act and consider the reviews as fake. This will not help your business reach the top of SERPs and can even result in penalties and trouble for your Google listing.

How to Ask For Reviews

Person in a sweater using a smartphone with earphones, resting on a wooden table.

If you’re still stuck, here’s a quick know-how in asking for reviews for your medical practice:

1.   Provide exceptional service

The first thing to keep in mind is to provide outstanding service. Happy customers are more likely willing to share feedback when you ask them after providing service.

2.   Make it easy

Asking your patients to do something for you can be tough so make sure to make it easy for them. Provide QR codes in your front office, send texts or emails with links to click, or add a review widget to your website.

3.   Nudge and ask

Be proactive in collecting patient reviews and feedback. Send patients texts or emails to ask them to leave reviews on Google.

4.   Acknowledge and respond

Once patients leave their feedback, do not ignore them. Acknowledge them and respond. Send them follow-up communication thanking them for leaving reviews.

5.   Automate the process

Lastly, automate the process. Use automation and management tools to make getting and managing reviews easier for you and your staff.

Conclusion: Your Business and Google Reviews

In today’s digital landscape, Google reviews can significantly impact the success of a business.

With feedback playing a major role in consumer decision-making, savvy customers now rely heavily on what others say before making any decisions.

That’s why your medical practice should prioritize online reviews and integrate them into your overall marketing strategy.

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