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Awards List

Medfluence Advisors is honored to have received several prestigious awards recognizing our excellence in healthcare marketing. These accolades highlight our commitment to delivering outstanding results for our clients.

Telly Awards

Great news to share, we scored two golds and a bronze in this year’s Telly Awards! The Telly Awards honor excellence in storytelling and video production, as judged by a panel of industry leaders. This year’s edition received over 13,000 entries across 50 countries.

GOLD | The Pronunciations – Online Commercials – Use of Comedy

GOLD | The Pronunciations – Online Commercials – Medical & Research

BRONZE | The Pronunciations – People’s Telly Online Commercial

telly award edited

Marcom Awards

Description: The Marcom Awards recognize creative excellence in marketing and communication. We received the Platinum Award for Advertising/Marketing | Online | 54. Pre-Roll Video Ad.



Viddy Awards

Description: In 2023, Medfluence Advisors was awarded the Gold Viddy Award in the Commercials | Broadcast category. This award underscores our ability to create compelling broadcast commercials that resonate with audiences.


viddy awards


Greg Caesar, Partner and Senior Director of Business Development at Medfluence Advisors, a leading strategic advisory firm specializing in patient acquisition in the modern age, has been accepted into the esteemed Forbes Business Council, an exclusive community for successful business owners and leaders.


Greg’s acceptance into the Forbes Business Council follows a rigorous evaluation process by a review committee, recognizing his exceptional depth and diversity of experience. The selection criteria encompass a proven track record of driving business growth along with a history of personal and professional achievements and honors.


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